For example, a firearms parts manufacturer will have to laser mark thousands of parts with various information (company, date, serial #), to meet ATF standards. Using this new utility, it only takes a few steps to mark, register and confirm the task.
Process Details:
Step 1: The laser job for the part executesStep 2: The laser job runs to the SQL utilityStep 3: The SQL utility attaches to the ATF database a retrieves the relevant
Step 3: informationStep 4: The laser mark is completed and confirmedStep 5: The laser job runs the SQL utility to confirm the mark. Triggering the SQL
Step 5: Server to reconfigure (updates) the database for the next job to begin.
The SQL commands can be a common “select statement”, execution of an SQL “stored procedure”, or a fully formed “SQL command statement”
This utility is most commonly used with the FiberTower™ Series.
Benefits of SQL Date Retrieval Utility:
• Can be used on any marking application
• SQL Server performs all tasks
• Fully tested on Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005
• Affordable
Laser Photonics is proud of this new utility and is confident it will be an added benefit to anyone who is currently or planning on using FiberScan C3 laser marking system and needing database retrieval software. This utility is now available and for more information please contact Laser Photonics at407-829-2613 or
Developing laser marking, laser cutting and laser engraving systems for precision material processing industries, Laser Photonics is leading the way with innovative fiber laser and CO2 laser systems. Our laser machines are used by manufacturers in the automotive, aerospace, industrial, defense, electronic and medical industries around the world. For more info visit or call 407-829-2613.
Media Contact:
Maureen McHale
407-829-2613 x317
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